Why has society failed us on climate change? A grandfather’s perspective

My children both know that their dad is a man obsessed with the climate crisis.  They’re well aware of my efforts over the years to do something about it too, largely writing opinion pieces, writing letters to the editor, and lobbying public officials to take action. And, they know that society isn’t doing near enough to avoid devastating and catastrophic climate related incidents in the not too distant future.

Several months ago, I was blessed with a beautiful granddaughter, care of my son and his partner.  Such love I never thought I could ever feel.  But, being the crazed climate activist that I am, I also feel shame and concern for the condition of the planet she will be inheriting.  Dwelling on this, I thought about what I might say to her, or will say to her when she’s old enough to appreciate my words.  I came up with this:

“Society didn’t act fast enough on the climate crisis because many people prioritized short-term comfort and profit over long-term safety. Meanwhile, big businesses and industries that depended on fossil fuels resisted change because they didn’t want to lose money. Those businesses and the lobbyists they employed misinformed and confused the public with narratives that made them believe climate change wasn’t real or wasn’t urgent. Governments and leaders also found it hard to agree on big changes because they were worried about how people might react, particularly the businesses that funded their campaigns, or how it would affect the economy.

Even though many scientists warned us about the dangers, some chose to look the other way, thinking the problem was too far off or that it could be fixed later. It’s important for us to learn from these mistakes so that we can act more responsibly in the future, and to remember that protecting our planet is the key to ensuring a better life for future generations like yours.”

Our generation, and the generations that preceded us, have bequeathed my granddaughter’s generation a very difficult situation. My hope is that my explanation will help explain the complexity and challenges society faced while also encouraging her to think about ways to improve things in her lifetime.


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